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Hear from families whose kids have benefitted from playing Crush Baseball over the years.

"Crush has been a very positive and effective baseball program for our son. He has developed skills and baseball knowledge at an advanced pace.  Great job building and supporting their individual talents.  Keep pushing the boys to be the best they can be."

"Really happy with coaching after way too many years of “daddy ball.” We really appreciate Nick’s style and JD’s enthusiasm, too! It was awesome to watch them coach the kids individually during games in constructive ways so they understood the scenario and how plays can evolve in other/better ways and why. Love the lack of pressure, the lack of yelling and that no one is ever singled out for costly errors. There’s accountability, yes, but not in a negative way. It was enjoyable to watch every single game from a parent’s perspective."
- Jenna Buckley

"I appreciate the amount of time and effort Crush puts into communication.  The schedule for practice is clear and planned out in advance, and when there are changes, they are  communicated immediately."
- Nina Danga

"The coaching is great, very positive and they do a great job at teaching the technical skills.  The coaches also hold the kids accountable at the same time which is very important."
- Mike Phillips

"The 9u coaches are amazing. They push the players but are also respectful of their age and development. I like how their feedback during the game is concise and effective. I often observe coaches from other teams yelling or overwhelming players with corrections. We feel very fortunate to have our coaches."
- Briana Clemens

"I like that the kids are not "over-coached", especially in-game.  They are given opportunities to learn, develop, and make decisions in games.  Mistakes and learning opportunities are seemingly dealt with in practice or individually."
- Doug Bear

"We are really happy with the coaching. Coach Pizzo and Coach CJ are a really good fit for this age of kids. It is so eye-opening when we play other teams, with coaches that are not as capable and do not conduct themselves the way that our coaches do. I am always so proud to be a part of Crush, and our coaches set that example for all of us."
- Jenna Michaelis 

"I feel like Crush is a classy organization compared to other teams I have seen at the tournaments. Proud to be part of the Crush family."
- Anonymous 

"Crush is an excellent organization with coaches and leadership that balance very well, both competitiveness and team building vs one or the other."
- Anonymous 

"Really appreciate the coach's calm demeanor and focus on development. Love that we get to have fun and play music too! Has had good coaching across the board and specifically on how to approach at-bats."
- Ally Idell

"Crush is a great program not only for baseball but also for the coaches as role models. Caleb and Chris have a great way to handle the boys and manage them in the most effective way.
– Anang Chokshi 

"I think Caleb and Chris do a great job.  They provide instruction at practice time and then expect kids to perform during games.  I appreciate the lack of pressure the kids feel to perform under this system.   I also appreciate the flexibility they show both in-game settings and in approaching the team in general.   The lack of yelling and overly emotional coaching is greatly appreciated!"
– Marc Wolpoff

"[My son] was a rather shy and withdrawn kid a year ago before he joined, he lacked confidence and competition made him nervous.  None of that is true now, and I think his coaches and your program played a VERY pivotal role in those changes. I remember once he was getting very emotional and upset at his first try at pitching in a game, and he started to struggle. The coaches told him: “smile kid, have some fun, we believe in you, now believe in yourself!” I have no doubt there are other coaches that would yank him and admonish him for being a baby. Instead, he got refocused and did really well, he still says that’s one of his favorite days ever!"
– Anonymous

"My son and I absolutely love his coaches! Pizzo and CJ hold him accountable and to a high standard, teaching/modeling responsibility, respect, and sportsmanship, all the while encouraging them to relax and have fun at the same time.  We look at how other programs interact with kids in more negative ways, and they all serve as reminders and affirmations that we chose the right club (and thankfully Crush chose us too!). He continues to improve in all aspects of the game and at just 8 years old already has a deeper understanding of strategy and mental preparedness than I had at 15!"
– Mike Fowler

"Really like everything I've seen out of the coaches.  Positive reinforcement, good communication, and my son is really enjoying his experience. Super happy that my son is playing for Crush."
– Brian Matter

"Coaching is fantastic, the boys respond and it is not an overbearing style."
– Grant Peltzer

“The fielding practices are really great... there are complex drills that require multiple skills used at once. There always seems to be action, not just all the kids in one single file line, waiting for their turn. NOTHING has been negative. We are so happy to be part of it. It is very well run and the coaching is a huge CUT above. The website is also very helpful in terms of information.”
– Anonymous

“The coaches are great – very engaging and you can really tell they like what they are doing. I think our entire experience at Crush has been positive and the program is great!”
– Jamie Pomponio

“Brady is an AMAZING coach. He is the perfect balance of positive but pushes them to their fullest. He clearly wants to be there, wants them better, and enjoys coaching them. I love that he is always there, always on time, and always dialed in. He has a ton of baseball knowledge and is great with the kids. I have zero complaints.”
– Jenn Brigham

“My son says that practices are as fun as the games; to me that says a lot about the program and the development of players. I have not been told of anything negative.”
– Anonymous

“The fielding practices are the best - they are so organized and specialized, the boys improvement in the field directly ties to this disciplined approach. They are a beauty to watch.”
– Chris Cahill

“Great coaching style, very consistent and positive. Overall, great first experience with Crush!”
– Jason Jadgchew

“The coaching is fantastic. All coaches that help our team are awesome with the boys.”
– Anonymous

“No negative experiences at all.  Crush has been a great baseball experience for us.  It is a good balance between trying to learn the game at a higher level, but not being a pressure cooker to allow the boys to develop at their own pace.  I am pleased with the Crush experience and my son's baseball progress has been good for what we expected.  Most importantly is that my son loves the game and still wants to work hard at it.”
– Manny Del Toro

“Keep up the good work. The community of Poway is very fortunate to have a program with such outstanding coaching and leadership.”
– Walter Menck

“This program has brought our entire family so much joy! We really like how there is constant instruction on the field.”
– Anonymous 

“Teaching is excellent - I really think the coaches care about player development, which is why although we can play much closer to where we live, we choose to drive 30 or more minutes each way to play for the Crush.”
– George Ng

“The coaching is excellent and our son has improved greatly. The attitude of the coaches is perfectly balanced. Our son loves practice and has said on numerous occasions that it is his favorite part of his day. Our son absolutely loves his teammates, coaches, and the entire Crush experience.”
– Jodi Green

“I have heard from friends from other organizations that their practices are not run smoothly, coaches are late, they are lacking in players at practice, and coaches cancel practices at the last minute, this never happens at our practices. We have never experienced this and every practice and game is run with a plan and effectively executed. Your program is top-notch and we thank you for what you do for our boys.”
– George Georggin 

“Coaching is top-notch. I’ve had friends comment On how impressed they were with the players (with respect to technique), the quality of practices (no wasted time, reps, and fun while teaching baseball skills), and on year-over-year improvement in son’s ability. Coaching is development-focused and not overly concerned with winning (not a win at all costs mentality). Fairness is applied through attendance and focused on practice performance.”
– Anonymous

“I love the team atmosphere, in the dugout. The boys are positive and support each other. I love the hands-off attitude of the parents. I do not ever hear a negative tone from the parents, in fact, they are extremely supportive of Nick.
I've coached a lot of baseball and have NEVER seen it like this! Nick, you are doing something right!”
– Rob Russel

“We originally joined the Crush because my son began playing travel ball when he was 8 and he fell in love with baseball. Through several tournaments, we learned a lot about local travel ball teams. We knew which ones we liked and which ones we wouldn’t want him to play on. Based on feedback and what we learned Crush seemed like the right fit. My son has stayed with Crush because he loves his coaches and his teammates. He had a big transition from his old travel ball team to his new one because he left a team with all his best friends and coaches whom he had played with every season since his rookie year to a team where he knew one other person. I'm happy to say he told me a couple of weeks ago he loves his new team and coaches and is so happy to be on the Crush !! The laid-back non -threatening attitude of the coaches and their willingness to let the kids have some fun plus their extensive knowledge of the game is what has made the difference.”
– Kim Crawford

“The coaching is great. The boys don’t have the constant fear that if they mess up they will be benched. We appreciate the respect Crush has for Little League and are willing to let kids play both and are flexible. We love the coach's communication and their approachable attitude. My son has probably enjoyed the ability to play several positions the most. He has learned so much from each position. We also like that every player at the games plays and hits. We have seen other teams bring 12 and bat 8 or 9.”
– Anonymous

“We joined to enhance our son’s baseball skills. We chose Crush because the program was not run by dads of players. We have seen enough “Daddy ball” in little league. We also feel our son receives good instruction. We feel part of the team, and feel the program is run to help kids learn baseball and become better players, not just a player who is there to pay money to the club.”
– Anonymous

“Coaching is great. I really appreciate the positive coaching attitude. I like that my son learns something new every practice.”
– Anonymous

“The structure and pace of practices are great. We like the personal attention to our son’s strengths and weaknesses. We also like the responsibility our son has to have to warm up, stretch, etc...(this builds good work habits that they won’t forget). Our son has learned that hard work pays off and there are no guarantees. The lack of “Daddy Ball” ensures that each player has a shot at becoming the best player that they can be. Can’t tell you how refreshing it is to see our coaching staff in action compared to other programs. Positive coaches who have the players well being/development in mind.”
– Mark Dillon

“The practices are really fun, while also high level and the coaching is both excellent and consistent. This club has the right mix of pushing the players to be better, but with a focus on development so players of all levels feel like they belong and have a path.”
– Mary Corbett

“Coaching is excellent. Enjoy the comradery and families and really like Nick and Caleb.”
– Mike Furlano

“My son joined after the Crush was recommended to us to check out. We've stayed because of the quality of the coaching, as well as the kids and families, and finally, because I feel the Crush cares more about the kids and their development than they do about winning and losing.”
– Steve Pirolli

“I have never had my son say anything negative about the club or experience at all. He is having so much fun.”
– Anonymous

“The coaching is great and I like that there are a lot of coaches helping out and everyone is extremely knowledgeable. I think you do a good job of breaking the kids into stations so that they are always busy. The practices are organized with drills that work on the fundamentals. The coaches are engaging and make the practice fun.”
– Trisha Walters

“Your crew has definitely helped bring the love of the game out in our boy which we are very thankful for. We are hoping his drive and hard work will lead to positive results.”
– Anonymous

“I think the coaching is great. Very positive, but instructional as well and holds the boys to a high standard.”
– Kelly Menck

“Fantastic. You do a great job of pushing our son to improve while keeping it fun. It’s good to see you are focused on developing the boys rather than winning each and every scrimmage game. We have seen other clubs that put all of their focus on the top 5-6 players and don’t worry about getting the other kid's reps in games, etc. What I had heard about Crush and what I have experienced is you are developing each and every boy that is part of the program. Thanks for that.”
– Dean Ridgway

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